The Starting Point of ALL Achievement!
In 1937 Napoleon Hill released his classic book Think and Grow Rich. This book was the product of over twenty years of research during which Napoleon interviewed and observed thousands of people. Some were very wealthy and successful people like Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, some were of average success, and still others struggled at life. In his research he was looking for the reasons that helped some to great success, others to average success, and the rest to barely get by.
In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon shares the thirteen most common success principles he found through his research. He shares these principles so that anyone who wants more from life can learn how to achieve it. Thanks to Napoleon, he made the principles, that were once the secret of the wealthy few, available to anyone who wants more from life.
The first of the thirteen principles Napoleon calls the “starting point of all achievement.” The first success principle is DESIRE. He goes on to say that “wishing” will not help us achieve what we want from life. We need to have a strong enough “desire” so that nothing will stop us from achieving the goal.
With the first success principle, Napoleon even goes on to give us the formula for success. It is “six definite, practical steps” that when applied, can help us achieve whatever we want in life. The six steps are:
- Know exactly what you want
- Determine what you are willing to give to achieve your goal (i.e. time, money, habit you may need to change, etc.)
- Set a definite date
- Create a plan and begin working it whether you are ready, or not
- Write out a clear and concise statement of what you want to achieve, when you want to have it and what you will do to achieve it
- Read your statement aloud twice a day, every day, until you have achieved the goal.
Napoleon also says, “It is important that you follow the instructions described in these six steps. It is especially important that you observe and follow the instructions in the sixth step.”
I could go on and on about the value of this success principle, as well as, the remaining twelve principles that Napoleon shares in Think and Grow Rich. These principles are the reason why this book is credited with helping more people become millionaires than any other book ever written.
Let me share a few examples:
- Shark Tank sharks – Daymond John, Robert Herjavec, and Barbara Corcoran all state openly the importance that Think and Grow Rich has played in their success.
- Pat Walls (Founder of StarterStory) says that she owes her success to applying the “Six Step Process” top her life.
- Benjamin Kwar (Co-Founder of TravelClef) has been quoted saying, his desire to “ … really fight hard to achieve what I want in life…” was heavily influenced by hiw studying the principles from Think and Grow Rich.
Keep in mind that these principles are not just about being financially wealthy. These principles can help you achieve wealth in any, and every, aspect of life – health, relationships, spirituality, personal life, professional life, as well as, financial success.
So, do you want more from your life?
If you do, then I suggest you start studying the book Think and Grow Rich. This is not a book that is meant to be read once; it is meant to be studied over a lifetime. To become the master of your own destiny requires you to grow and mature over time. The success you want won’t happen without a consistent effort on your part.
If you are planning to study this material, I would also like to let you know about a group of like-minded people who are actively studying Think and Grow Rich every week. Virtually every Thursday night at 9:00 PM (EST) a group of people led by Tim Burgess (Co-Founder of Maximizing Results LLC) get together via a webinar to study Think and Grow Rich. Tim, who has been studying Think and Grow Rich every day for the past twenty-four years, will review the concepts of one chapter, and then he opens the lines for an active Q&A session. He wants to make sure that everyone attending has a good understanding of the material covered that night. Because of what this book has done for Tim, he has become passionate about wanting to help others benefit from what he has learned.
If you would like to learn more about how you can learn how to Think and Grow Rich then join us for this week’s session. To register click on the following link – Think and Grow Rich Simplified.
Join us, as Tim Burgess helps us Think and Grow Rich.