Did you ever want to start a business, but all you could focus on was all the reasons why you couldn’t do it? Did you ever really want to do something and you instantly go to “oh I can’t” or “how could I do that?” It is so common for us to have a great idea and then immediately defer to all the reasons why we can’t, or why it won’t work. Bottom line, are you trained to focus on lack and limitation? You can focus on lack of skills, or lack of knowledge, or lack of money, or lack of whatever. Ultimately, that’s a bunch of bull. They are just excuses, the C.A.T.s (counter-productive attitudes and thoughts), that keep you where you are instead of where you want to be.
To get past the “lack and limiting beliefs” (C.A.T.s) you need to develop your desire. What you need is to get your thoughts right and make sure that the only thoughts you feed are thoughts of productivity. Not the C.A.T.s that hold you back from becoming and achieving what you want. Stop thinking and giving all of your energy to what you don’t want.
Did you stub your toe this morning when you got out of bed? Does that mean that the whole doggone day is ruined or is it just that one moment that your toe may be a little painful?
See, when you consistently give energy to what you desire, what you desire will show itself. Sooner or later, it always does. It’s the universal law. Have you ever woke-up in the morning and not hear the birds singing? See, they’re always singing because they know that they will be provided for. You’ll be provided for too. Always. But you have to give your thoughts and attention to the positive things that you want in your life and stop dwelling on the C.A.T.s that are currently holding you back. It’s a very simple process. It’s a very simple and elementary philosophy.
Try it. You’ll be amazed at what happens today. Don’t give any energy to your C.A.T.s. Give all energy to positive thoughts.
This is Tim Burgess.
Don’t feed the C.A.T.