Have you experienced adversity? It’s kind of a silly question, isn’t it? We’ve all experienced it at some point in our lives.

But, what happened as you were dealing with the adversity? Maybe you were dealing with the break-up of a relationship, or a failed business venture. Maybe you found yourself in a not-so-promising economic situation, or maybe you just got stuck in a traffic jam when you were running late for a meeting. Whatever it was that you were dealing with, where was your mind when all of it was going on? Did you feed the C.A.T or did you try and find a positive way to look at the situation?

See, when most people are faced with any type of adversity, they literally just want to crawl into a corner and just hope it goes away.  But does it ever go away? No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t matter what adversity you’re faced with. It makes absolutely no difference. It’s how you handle it that makes all the difference. You could focus on the negative side of the adversity or you could focus on, “my gosh, what a great learning experience I just had! What a phenomenal opportunity for me to learn and grow!”

I simply ask you, do you want to feed the C.A.T or would you prefer to find a positive even in the storms of life? Are you looking at the adversity as a negative or are you looking at it as an opportunity to grow?

This is Tim Burgess.

Remember, don’t feed the C.A.T.

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