Personal Development Blog
Thank you for checking out the personal development blog by Maximizing Results. We are here to help you, “Release your true potential!” Our self-development programs, along with our mindset and effective communication webinars and seminars are packed with easy to understand information you can implement into your own life to reach your goals sooner than you ever thought possible. You can do it. We are only here to support and encouragement. Wishing you the very best.
Self Talk – Friend Or Foe
Self-Talk – Friend or Foe The true key to your success! Have you ever met that little voice that you hear in your head? If you haven’t, then go stand in front of a mirror sometime and introduce yourself to him / her. That’s right, that voice is no...
The Starting Point Of All Achievement!
The Starting Point of ALL Achievement! In 1937 Napoleon Hill released his classic book Think and Grow Rich. This book was the product of over twenty years of research during which Napoleon interviewed and observed thousands of people. Some were very wealthy and...
Do You Want More From Life? Then Think and Grow Rich!
Do You Want More From Life? Then Think and Grow Rich! In 1937 Napoleon Hill released his classic book Think and Grow Rich. This book was the product of over twenty years of research during which Napoleon interviewed and observed thousands of people. Some were...
Don’t Feed The C.A.T. – Negative Nancy
I was having lunch today with an associate of mine, and all she wanted to do was to tell me about all of the nasty things that have happened to them over the past five years. She had started a business that crumbled, tumbled and went away; the stress because of no...
Don’t Feed The C.A.T. – Money is the Root of All Evil
Have you ever heard that “Money is the root of all evil.”? Do you believe it yourself? I have to apologize, but, no, it’s not. The love of money is the root of all evil. I believe that’s what it says. But money actually is a very, very important tool in the toolbox of...
Don’t Feed The C.A.T. – Lack and Limitations
Did you ever want to start a business, but all you could focus on was all the reasons why you couldn’t do it? Did you ever really want to do something and you instantly go to “oh I can’t” or “how could I do that?” It is so common for us to have a great idea and then...
Don’t Feed The C.A.T. – Imagination
Tim Burgess here. In Napoleon Hill’s classic book, “Think and Grow Rich,” there’s an entire chapter on one of the most important subjects that we can ever talk about - imagination. You know, most people, if they use their imagination at all, use it completely wrong....
Don’t Feed The C.A.T. – How
Do you ever wonder, ‘how’? How is this going to happen? How is that going to happen? How can we afford to do that? We have all been caught up in the “how’s” of life at one time, or another. Then question I have is why do we get so tied up over the “how’s” when we...
Don’t Feed The C.A.T. – Desire
One of my favorite books ever is Napoleon Hill’s classic “Think and Grow Rich.” What an amazing book and it has truly made a dramatic impact on my life. In one of the first chapters, Napoleon Hill talks about the importance of “desire” in our lives. So the question I...